Community Groups
Each one of us is on a journey to our eternal home. Our very name, Exilic, is a daily reminder of this reality. The journey isn’t meant to be traveled alone. We need each other precisely because God created us in his image to be in relationship with one another. The purpose of community groups is to grow together with one another, upward in our relationship with God, and outward in the way we engage with our broader community. Ultimately, we want to be a different kind of people whose very lives bear witness to the love of Christ.
Most of our CGs that started in the Fall are full. We are excited to announce that there will be a three new groups forming for our Winter/Spring semester! You can go to Church Center Groups once we open registration on 1/19 at 9pm. If the CG you want to join is full, you will need to join our waitlist. The link to the waitlist will be made available on 1/19. We are encouraged by so many of you who desire to connect and seek community here at Exilic through our CG ministry!
Make sure you have the Church Center app and create a profile if you don’t have one already.
Navigate to the ‘Groups’ tab.
Once registration opens, ‘register’ for the ONE CG of your choosing.
Sign the Covenant Form (link will be provided in confirmation email).
The Covenant Form is meant to encourage commitment from those signed up for CG in order to foster a positive environment for all CG members. There are three commitments:
Attend Exilic Sunday Services. Participating in Sunday Worship is an integral part of a life of faith, and we ask that you make this a priority for your own spiritual health. Our CGs will be a sermon discussion format, so it is important that you attend Exilic Sunday Service to hear the sermons.
Be Present. You will make a serious commitment to attend all 11 weeks of this season's CG meetings. Inconsistency in attendance will not only hurt your ability to meet others, but it will also make it more difficult for others to form community.
Be-Friend. You will make every effort to create a hospitable space for all members of the group. You will come to CG with an anticipation for meeting new friends and being a good friend to others.
10 CGs meeting at Church
Regular CG (5)
Newcomers CG (2) - this CG is for those who are new to our community. If you have previously joined a Newcomers CG, please consider joining a different CG this semester!
College (1)
30+ (2)
16 CGs meeting at apartments
Regular CG (13)
Married Couples (2)
30+ (1)
1 CG meeting virtually
Parents (1)
Please do not sign up for more than one CG. In order to accommodate as many people as possible, sign ups will be closely monitored for those who sign up for multiple CGs and we will remove you from duplicate groups.
If you are unable to join the CG of your choosing, we will open a waitlist on January 19 at 9PM. You will be able to choose 2 waitlists to join on a Google Form. Duplicate forms will not be considered. The waitlist will be triaged in the order that submissions are received.
CGs will meet for 11 weeks in the Fall (starting the week of September 22) and 12 weeks in the Spring (starting the week of February 2). CGs are led by both lay leaders and pastors. Each week, CG members will take turns providing dinner and discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon. There will also be potlucks, fellowship nights, game nights, and outreach opportunities as a group.
If you have any questions, please contact our Systems Manager, Genie Joo (